4/5 FJ

Hello and welcome to Year 4/5 FJ’s webpage. We are a fun, bubbly class, full of great ideas and enthusiasm for learning. We are all unique, with a huge range of individual skills, but we work hard together to be the very best team that we can be.
Our class teacher is Mrs Jones and we are very fortunate to have Mrs Curren helping us with our learning in the mornings and supporting us with our reading.
We start each day quietly with silent reading or an independent morning task, followed by culture connoisseurs which focusses on our cultural heritage: music listening, art, poetry and inspirational individuals. Mrs Jones and Mrs Curren enjoy hearing us read to them. After collective worship, we split into our English groups and have an opportunity to practise spelling and handwriting. During English, we learn a wide range of comprehension and grammar skills, together with techniques and tools for writing creatively for effect and purpose across a wide range of genres.
“English is good because you learn how punctuate properly and I really enjoyed writing my memoir of my trip to Ufton Court” - Fope
After break, we have maths lessons and very much enjoy being challenged to apply our numerical skills to systematic investigations, mathematical reasoning and problem solving. Maths and English are taught by our Year 4/5 team of teachers (Mrs Jones, Miss Kirby, Miss Lane and Miss Pullan) and give us a wonderful opportunity to work with other children within the year groups.
“I enjoy learning new methods to add and subtract and applying them to problem solving.” - Matthew
Our afternoons are different every day and we are extremely lucky to have a wide range of experienced subject specialists who come in to share their passion and their wealth of knowledge with us. On Monday afternoons, we alternate between having art with Mrs Lockhart and RE with Mrs Jones.
“I like art because you get to experiment with different materials.” - Melinda
“I like RE because we learn about different religions – like the golden temple in Sikhism and the Christmas story in Christianity.” - Dylan
Tuesday afternoons are exciting, as we have three different lessons: life skills with Miss Lane, French with Madame Bastable, and steel pans with Mary. Learning to play the steel pans is a lot of fun and such a wonderful, unique experience for us all.
“I love life skills because we learn about friendships, mental health and your feelings.” - Ella
“French is fun because if you to go to Disneyworld in France you have to know how to speak French.” – Wlad
“I love steel panning because we get to make songs.” - Amelia
On Wednesday afternoons, we have PE or history lessons. In PE, which is coordinated by Miss Lane and Mrs Carvill, we keep fit and healthy learning a range of new sporting skills. Mr Cooper takes us for history, teaching us how to explore the past, make chronological links between events and people and identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods.
“I love PE because there are lots of sports and it is lots of fun” – Harrison
“I love history because it’s really fun and you get to see what’s in the past.” – Harry
Every fortnight, on Thursday afternoons, we have a science lesson taught by Mrs Jones (Y5) and Miss Lane or Mr Hardacre (Y4). These lessons include a range of practical activities and investigations to develop our understanding of scientific principles and our ability to work scientifically. On intervening Thursdays we have geography with Mrs Jones and then Mrs Jones teaches the Y5s computing, while the Y4s have Miss Kirby or Mr Hardacre. Computing lessons cover a range of topics, including spreadsheets, databases, coding and how to stay safe online.
“I like Science because it is fun, and I really enjoyed learning about space.” - Sophie
“I like geography because I like to learn about the different countries.”- Dominic
“I'm looking forward to computing this year because I’m going to use the Chromebooks!” - Archie
Fridays are really fun because we have choir in the morning with Mrs Morley and Miss Rowden, alternating with philosophy for children with Mrs Jones or outdoor education with Miss Kirby / Mrs Parsley. We also have special gifted, talented and enrichment classes where we can develop our skills and passions further in a range of subjects including art, dance, drama, journalism, STEM and computing.
“I like outdoor ed because you get to adventure outside whilst also learning.” – George
“I love choir because I love to sing.” – Laila-Mae
“I like P4C because sometimes you get to debate and discuss differences of opinion” – Bailey
In the afternoon, we finish our week with music, dance and drama lessons. We are extremely fortunate to be taught by three wonderful performing arts specialists: Miss Rowden, who teaches music; Carrie, who teaches us drama; and Claire, who teaches us dance. We really enjoy learning new skills and look forward to having opportunities to perform.
“I like drama because it is exciting.” – Patryk
“Most of my favourite songs were discovered in dance; it is very exhausting and an easy way to have fun and work out at the same time.” – Oliver H
“I find music interesting and fun because we learn how to make our singing better and play different instruments from other countries” - Amelia 
At the end of every day, we particularly enjoy coming back to our classes for story time. This helps to extend our vocabulary and comprehension, allows us to experience different authors and genres, and provides a calm and relaxed end to the day.
“Treasure Island was a really entertaining book and had a lot more action and suspense than some stories” – Fletcher