The importance of an individual child’s education should never be underestimated. His/her education is the major factor in creating life opportunities.
The children come first.
Theale CE Primary School will provide the best academic, creative, spiritual and emotional education that a child can receive. We will strive for excellence in all that we do.
“I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
Our school is a place where the children are central to every decision we make. We will ensure our children are safe and successful; during their time with us, they will grow to be ambitious and resilient. We are proud that our children are learning to be courageously outspoken but behave with integrity. The staff and school will be highly effective, well-organised, efficient, and well-resourced. We will provide an exciting and stimulating learning environment and our talented, well-informed teachers will inspire and motivate children, encouraging scholarship, intellectual curiosity, independent thought and effective learning habits. Children will be encouraged to celebrate Britain as a diverse society, have an understanding of social justice, fight against discrimination, provide service for others and show respectful and well-informed views about their own community and the wider world.
We are a church school, proud to be part of a wider, caring community, and our values of love, faith, joy, hope, peace, trust, respect, and integrity underpin all that we do. These values are rooted in our Christian vision which is implemented through our specially designed curriculum, our worship, our reflection and prayer spaces and our learning ethos and environment. Together, this supports us as we teach our children key knowledge and skills so they will be able to rise to the challenges, opportunities and responsibilities that future life will bring.
The relationship between children, teachers and families is the cornerstone for security and success for each and every child. The years that the children spend in our school are formative years, when they discover themselves, develop their character, their individuality, their abilities and talents, their interests and their strengths. Through our inspiring and innovative curriculum, we will ensure our children are nurtured, encouraged, developed and praised.
Theale CE Primary School’s values, environment and ethos enable all members of the community to be nurtured, to thrive and to flourish. The love and care that we exemplify, along with the systems and structures in school, ensure that everyone grows spiritually, socially, morally and culturally and has the courage to act in a principled way.