Our Governors

The Governing Body is as follows:-




Term expires October 2025

Jon  is now retired but worked in or with primary schools for 40 years. He was a head teacher for over 25 years in three schools, the largest of which had over 500 pupils.

He was seconded to Ofsted for 12 months and continued to do some inspection work as both lead and team inspector for a number of years. He worked for West Berkshire as a School Improvement Adviser for over five years before becoming an independent consultant and trainer.  He has developed and delivered a range of training programmes mainly around school, system and people leadership.

Jon became Chair in January 2022.



It is a pleasure and privilege to be the headteacher of Theale CE Primary School.  I started my teaching career over 20 years ago and have been a headteacher, serving in two schools, for over 13 years.  In addition, I am a National Leader of Education, providing help and support to other schools locally and sometimes further afield. 

I have four children and believe passionately that schools make a difference to children’s life chances. I value tremendously the work of our talented governors and the leadership, expertise, support and guidance they provide.



I first joined the school over a decade ago as a newly-qualified class teacher and, since then, have held many roles within the school before becoming the Deputy Headteacher in 2020. I feel that my approach towards the children and their education is completely aligned with our school vision of the children coming first and receiving the best education and opportunities possible. In my time at Theale Primary School, I have worked with and supported many families and make it a priority to work together with parents/carers for the benefit of the children. I honestly believe that there is nowhere quite like Theale Primary School: our children are incredibly lucky and it is a privilege to work here and be part of the school community.




Term expires November 2026

I live in Theale and I am proud to be a Parent Governor of such a great school, and to have the opportunity to help support staff to ensure that the decisions relating to the running of the school lead to the best possible outcomes for all the children. I originally trained as a Psychologist, working for a number of years in prisons and educational settings, with children with behavioural difficulties. This experience will help me focus on the safeguarding and special educational needs of children at Theale Primary School.

My role in the last few years as a Senior Adviser/Conciliator for ACAS, involves working with organisations, including those in the educational sector, to improve productivity and workplace relations. This involves negotiating between management and unions in conflict, conducting mediations, writing and delivering management training, advising on employment law, policies and procedures and on how to improve health and wellbeing in the workplace.



Term expires September 2027


As the Rector of Holy Trinity Church it is a privilege to be a foundation governor of Theale Primary School, especially as I have two children attending the school. I am especially excited to join the team as the school gears up to move to its new site.

Previous I trained in law, worked in Parliament for a few years as a parliamentary aide, and then worked in charity law before re-training to get ordained. I have been ordained since 2016 and love that I have the opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with our young people in Theale in a fun and accessible way.



Term expires November 2025


Aurelia is a mother of three and a Theale resident. She works as a Digital transformation consultant and as such has developed a large array of business, finance and project management skills.  At work, she is proud to be representing families with special need children on the diversity and inclusion committee.

She believes all children must be given access to great education, no matter their background, location or aptitudes; a belief that has inspired her to become a Local Authority Governor for Theale Primary.
Aurelia has been a governor since November 2021 and is helping Jon and team on the finance committee.




Term expires

April 2027

I am thrilled and very proud to be part of the governing body at Theale Primary School and look forward to supporting staff and using my skills to help continue the ongoing success of the school.
I live and work locally. I am the Park & Operations Manager at Arlington Business Park in Theale and have over 14 years experience in Facilities Management and Health and Safety practices. It is a pleasure to be able to further my work in the community and ensure that the children have a safe and inspiring environment to thrive in their education.



Term expires

April 28

I have two children currently at the school. I have been in education as a secondary school teacher for 17 years and am passionate about supporting children holistically. 
My current role as Intervention Manager means I communicate with a wide range of students, staff and parents. Because of this, I feel I have an understanding of the pressures school leaders and teachers face. In addition, I am a Mindfulness in Schools practitioner and a Teen Yoga instructor and have a keen interest in the well-being of staff and students. 
I have lived in Theale for nearly 20 years and feel privileged to have the opportunity to support the school at the heart of our community.



Term expires

April 2028

Jacinta is the Community Chaplain for Theale, linked with Holy Trinity Theale, as well as the Assistant Chaplain at Bradfield College. SInce leaving University, Jacinta has worked in a variety of schools, focusing mainly on pastoral roles, and has achieved a masters in Pastoral Care and Chaplaincy. 
She is committed to showing God's love for all through the work she does in the village and looks forward to this extending into her work as a Foundation Governor. 
Our Clerk to Governors is Margo Mallett. We can be contacted via the School Office on 0118 930 2239 or office@theale.w-berks.sch.uk